Delivery of Portable Cabins by Crane Assisted Transport
We Organise everything
Once we have agreed the type and size of your portable building, whether it’s a cabin hire or purchase we can then look further into finally organising your delivery and everything which this entails ! For example a suitable time and date of the delivery using what’s commonly referred to as crane assisted transport, also known as HIAB Haulage.
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01724 870000

ContainerKing® / rent-a-unit has an extensive network of established relationships with some of the largest and most experienced crane assisted transport businesses right across the UK. We will source the most cost effective way to get your building delivered in good time & certainly on budget, but to do this there’s a few things we would need to discuss with you first.
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01724 870000

making crane assisted transport DELIVERY UN-EVENTFUL
Of course your anticipating delivery of your new portable building….but it helps if you understand beforehand some of the complexities of crane assisted transport and the kind of things we need to establish from the offset.
Bear in mind crane assisted transport lorries are extremely heavy in themselves but with the added weight of the mounted HIAB crane and then that of your building too, so it’s obvious we do not allow our hauliers to drive over or into soft ground like grassed areas which is frequently requested but unfortunately always gets a big NO.
The crane assisted transport vehicle will not even attempt to drive over anything other than hard standing ground, concrete or tarmac. You may believe the ground is dry and firm when we make a delivery, but that would soon change with a deluge of rain ! If a collection was required, it would potentially leave the the unit inaccessible.Placing a unit onto soft ground is permissible, but only if the crane assisted transport vehicle does not leave hard standing ground…. it is strongly advised either concrete foundation pads or proper “jack pads” are used to prevent a unit eventually sinking or subsiding into soft ground!
Residential street for example could prove tricky both getting in and out? Other considerations to ensure (from our part anyway) that your delivery is as uneventful as practically possible, is we understand any potential site obstructions for example overhead cables, telephone wires etc? We have had instances where a site is at close proximity to pylons with high voltage cables, even getting close to these is extremely dangerous. So we really need to discuss in depth every detail about your site, access and unit positioning. All methods and planning for a safe delivery drop will be covered and provided for within a RAMS document or full lift plan which must be pre agreed, crane work is dangerous if not carried out diligently.
UNDERSTANDing Crane Assisted Transport
Crane Assisted Transport, So what does it COST?
Yes crane assisted transport can be quite a cost, but again we will do our best to mitigate this for you, for a start we do not look to profit from crane assisted transport, we only look to recover the par value of crane assisted transport costs incurred, the second and most intensive part of our work involves sourcing the most cost effective delivery for you by way of maintaining our close contact with our crane assisted transport partners across the UK who move portable buildings to all parts of the country on a daily basis.
If we can secure a convenient crane assisted transport slot for you then this is the most cost effective way to get a building moved, backloads are also a popular convenience, if your not tied down to receiving your unit on a particular day at a particular time then the haulage saving can really be meaningful as hauliers have to charge a premium for specific time and day delivery instructions.
So there are many contributing factors, it all may sound a bit complicated but crane assisted transport for portable buildings is really relatively simple and certainly a safe process, however the variable costs to haulage should be understood. We are incredibly diligent when it comes down to haulage, when we give you a cost on this, that’s a fixed cost so we need to avoid mistakes, so we plan accordingly to avoid mistakes which can lead to abortive deliveries where its our time and our money that is wasted! The good thing is you don’t need to worry about anything as were obviously very experienced and know exactly the right questions to ask you beforehand.
WHAT aFFECTS the cost of Crane assisted transport?
Obviously the biggest contributing factors are convenience and distance, the further the delivery then expect the cost to be higher, but what about size and weight of your building? Both these considerations will determine the size of lorry and also size of crane required and this obviously depends on the size and internal configuration of the building you’ve ordered, will the positioning of the unit from the nearest point where a crane can set up have an impact on reach of crane required?
There are a vast array of lorries with varying sized HIAB cranes available, rear mounted cranes and lorries which have been adapted so the crane can lift over the front of the unit. We also use various online tools to assist us on most occasions viewing your site from the comfort of our offices to determine potential problems and understand the best vehicle to utilise, If we’re in any doubt whatsoever and haven’t had opportunity to visit your site, at this point we would certainly do so, we never leave anything to chance.
*note only delays to deliveries beyond our control, once we arrive at your site or premises would incur additional costs.
Special Consideration
Crane assisted transport inTO SCHOOLS OR SENSITIVE LOCATIONS
Instances where crane assisted transport of portable buildings to your school, collage or the like are good examples for when a specific day and timed delivery slot is required, it may be before pupils arrive or during lesson time when everything is clear, after school or collage maybe or even an evening or weekend delivery? But when it’s absolutely essential that a pre arranged and dedicated delivery requirement is booked then as expected it’s going to cost you a bit… possibly a lot more money….there are however so many more instances where a cost effective suitable delivery slot can be agreed and arranged.
Call us for a quote
01724 870000

So finally the wait is over we will have liaised with you on the progress of the delivery and now your unit arrives !
Obviously the biggest contributing factors are convenience and distance, the further the delivery then expect the cost to be higher, but what about size and weight of your building? Both these considerations will determine the size of lorry and also size of crane required and this obviously depends on the size and internal configuration of the building you’ve ordered will normally take approx an hour on site to get everything done so after reporting to the designated representative or site contact the first thing the driver would need to do is to view the location of the drop and the best positioning for the lorry, then the vehicle can be prepared ready to deploy the crane. Firstly a number of hydraulic stabilising legs will be set up to level and support the lorry, then the crane can be unfolded for the chains or straps to be hooked up and secured to the unit usually to fixing points on the jack legs, once everything is clear the unit can then be lifted from the bed of the lorry down into the desired position on the ground ready for the jack legs to be fixed. Once positioned the unit can then be finally levelled up.
Finally once everyone is happy the driver will ensure your unit is squared up off walls or fence lines etc to your satisfaction, ensure it’s levelled and checked over then delivery paperwork can be signed and the keys handed over. All there remains to be done then is to unfasten the chains or straps from the unit, fold away the crane, close the lorry support legs put away any support pads which prevent the legs sinking into or damaging your tarmac and leaving site ….but there remains a couple of final tasks before your unit is ready for occupation, you may need ramps steps and landings to access the unit with ease, there’s maybe water / drainage and certainly electrical connections to be made, but again rest assured we will have discussed and liaised with you on all this from the outset of your initial enquiry.
Call us for a quote
01724 870000
Portable buildings for sale/hire
Call us for a quote
01724 870000
Looking to sell a cabin?
We also buy existing cabins for re-furbishment and onward use. Get in touch if you would like to enquire about selling your existing cabin.
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