Portable buildings – are we different? or is everybody else?

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Portable buildings – are we different? or is everybody else?

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The length and breadth of the UK is littered with portable building and container hire businesses, but in reality there is a significant gap between the many run of the mill businesses whose only option left after years of fierce competition and greed encouraged by cheep money and poor management where unfortunately the only option left for these portable building businesses without the desire or money to invest is a race to the bottom….. this is enduring in respect of the level of cost cutting required to keep these businesses in respect “viable” the effect of which has had a detrimental impact on product quality, efficiency and customer service. There is admittedly, in our opinion only one clear portable accommodation market leader, that being Portakabin® of York.

‍Portakabin® are probably the worlds best known company in this portable buildings industry, formed in 1961 by Donald Shepherd they have a reputation of quality, innovation and consistency in the design, manufacture and supply of portable and modular buildings. But here again we see a business that has become incredibly focused on large scale modular building projects and thus we ask has Portakabin® taken its eye off the ball in serving the traditional stand alone portable building customer? It is our opinion that we are well placed to exploit this apparent gap we see in the market. Whilst we don’t have the benefit of the generically recognisable company name and trademark which naturally Portakabin® fiercely protects, nor do we enjoy the size and scale and depth of its vast operations which serve customer across the UK, Europe and further afield…..so at RENT-A-UNIT® we are focusing on simply working to our strengths.

So, not so different ?

Here at RENT-A-UNIT® we firmly believe we are more than up to the challenges of business and of designing and delivering recognised, innovative products which we know will be to the greater benefit of all our customers. It is our absolute intention to build this business with the ethics and principles and passion which we know customers will familiarise with. We are passionate about business, and passionate about our business.

Different Priorities.

To us business is not all about the money, now you’ll appreciate that’s a pretty strong statement from a business….but it’s totally correct. Yes like every business, we desire a financial return for our labours, the risks taken and investment we’ve made….in both our time and money….but the privilege of being able to run our business in whatever way we choose is a massive bonus to us and our customers, we do not prioritise profit but see it as a product of getting our priorities right. The money will be there so we can keep innovating and growing business only if we prioritise our customers interest above everything else, being totally open and transparent is something you can expect from RENT-A-UNIT® then comes great products, great service, a business easy to talk to and deal with….collectively we have well over 100 years industry experience dating back to the early 1980’s when RENT-A-UNIT® was a thriving business in a growth market….. so when we talk Portable Buildings, we believe know what we are talking about. The point of the matter is this, there really is no point in being different or trying to be different just for the sake of being different! We are not influenced by the portable building market in general, or what other businesses within our industry are doing…or for that matter the way other portable accommodation businesses are run, it’s of no concern to us at all……all we care about at RENT-A-UNIT® is a determined focus and passion not to simply be considered the best, but to absolutely ensure our business is being run in a controlled and responsible manner with firm ethics and principles, our products being innovative and customer service the best, this to us is what a successful business looks like.

August 5, 2020

Looking to sell a cabin?

We also buy existing cabins for re-furbishment and onward use. Get in touch if you would like to enquire about selling your existing cabin.

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